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🤩 Useful VSCode extensions that you might not heard of

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a popular code editor that many developers love because it is powerful and easy to use. While many people know about popular extensions like Prettier, ESLint, and GitLens, there are many other useful extensions that often go unnoticed.

In this article, we'll introduce you to some of these lesser-known VSCode extensions that can make your coding easier and more efficient. Whether you're an experienced developer or just starting out, these tools can help you work better and faster.

The extensions we are going to discuss are:

  • Insert Sequence
  • TS Env Typings
  • Glob New File
  • Multiple Cursor Case Preserve
  • VSCode Color Picker

Insert Sequence

This extension allows you to insert sequential text to your editor, its not limited only to numbers, but can be number with specific conditions, day name, months and much more.

TS Env Typings

TS Env Typings is an extension to auto generate Typescript typings for your env variables from your development .env file everytime you save the specefied file.

Glob New File

Glob New File extension allows you to many files / folders using glob syntax so you can create with complex conditions at once, for example you want to create two files with same file extension but with different file name like foo.tsx and bar.tsx, you can just type {foo,bar}.tsx in the input box when you are creating file, and then those files will be created.

Multiple Cursor Case Preserve

Are you feeling tired changing bunch of same words but they have different type casing for each of them? using this extension will automatically adjust the casing for each words you are currently selecting using multiple cursor feature, for example you have words myvariable,MyVariable, and my_variable, and you want to change them to yourvariable by using multiple cursor, when you installed this extension, it will automatically adjust the case as you type so the result will be yourvariable, YourVariable, and your_variable.

VSCode Color Picker

Are you struggling making changes to color codes in your editor but the file you are changing in is not a css file and the color picker won't show up? This extension makes the color picker you are usually use in css to shows up in the files that are not css, as long as there is a color code in the editor.